General Dentistry
Enhancing your every need from simple to complex treatments
Form does meet function at Opalesque Dentistry. Each patient receives a personalized consultation and examination in order to achieve excellence in dental works.
View the below gallery of Gig Harbor dentist, Dr. Keiko Wada, to see beautiful results in cosmetic dentistry, tooth replacement and restorative dentistry.
Missing front teeth replaced by implants restored with all porcelain crowns.
Short, discolored teeth treated by orthodontics and gum re-contouring and restored with veneers upper and lower teeth.
Severe tooth wear treated by orthodontics to correct bite, then worn upper teeth restored with all porcelain crowns and lower worn teeth treated with chairside veneers.
Existing broken veneers treated by orthodontics to correct bite followed by new porcelain veneers.
Worn, broken and short teeth treated by opening bite with porcelain restorations on all upper and lower teeth.
Complex case involving collaboration with orthodontist to align teeth, periodontist to place implants then broken down teeth restored with all porcelain crowns and missing teeth replaced with implant all porcelain crowns.
Missing tooth and discolored tooth treated by orthodontist to align bite, periodontist to place implant, endodontist to internally bleach dark tooth then an all porcelain implant crown was matched to replace the missing tooth.
Missing front teeth treated by periodontist to place implants, then implants were restored with all porcelain crowns.
Short, discolored teeth treated by gum re-contouring then restored with all porcelain veneers.
Old crowns with lots of gums showing treated by orthodontist to intrude teeth followed by new crown restorations replacing old crowns and matching veneers on discolored natural teeth.
Old bridges replacing missing front teeth were treated by orthodontist to align teeth, periodontist to contour gums and place implants allowing implant crown replacement of missing teeth with matching crowns and veneers for remaining upper teeth.
Severely eroded teeth treated by chairside veneers.
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